Saturday, March 19, 2011


One of my very best friends from college is Elizabeth Parsley. She is one of the most most amazing people I have ever met. We became very close when we attended UCA together and met when we joined the same (and best) sorority, Delta Zeta.

Liz helped Adam propose to me and even caught the bouquet in our wedding.
On September 12, 2010, Elizabeth and 2 of our friends were in a terrible car accident where the vehicle rolled several times. The other passengers were ok, but Elizabeth suffered a traumatic brain injury and was medflighted to a Little Rock hospital. Her diagnosis was very grim and she was in a coma for 2 weeks.  By the Grace of God, 6 months later... Elizabeth is perfect. You can read about her journey HERE.

Two weeks ago, several people, including myself participated in the Little Rock 5K race. Before our friends had their accident- it was something that we talked about participating in. When Elizabeth left the hospital, we challenged her to work towards being able to walk 3.1 miles, so that we could still participate in the Little Rock 5K as planned. We then decided to invite the other people that had prayed for Elizabeth and supported her family during her recovery. The day finally arrived a couple of weeks ago on March 5! It was cold and rainy, but that did not keep us from celebrating what God has done in Elizabeth's life.

Elizabeth, 6 months after an accident that should have claimed her life.

 I'm so blessed to have her!
Right behind the finish line is Elizabeth with an army of supporters behind her. I cannot describe the feeling I had to watch her cross the finish line giving God glory for all she has been through.Not only did she walk the 5K, but she RAN across the finish line. Six months ago we didn't know that would be possible, especially so soon after such a terrible accident! God is sovereign and it was HIS will to her to be a medical miracle.
Our whole group.
I am so thankful that there are more pictures of me and this sweet girl. She means the world to me and is an everyday reminder of how very short life can be and how we can be taken from this earth in an instant. I have also learned to take anything for granted especially for my health and the health of my loved ones. God is so good and I never want to cease in giving Him praise.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Show Us Your Family... Part II

(This is for you, Kel...)

One of the greatest things about being married is gaining a new family. I realize for some people, this isn't the greatest gift but I am lucky enough to not just like my "married" family... but LOVE them!

Adam and I both grew up in the grand town of Benton, Arkansas- just south of Little Rock. I loved growing up there and don't mind visiting at all. I don't know if we'll ever move back- but many people that we love still live there and as long as they do it will always be a place we go back to.  Adam and I didn't start dating until college (good thing since he is a few years older than me and I'm pretty sure there are laws that would have prevented such a relationship while I was in high school, ha!) But our parents live just a few miles apart. We grew up at the same church and knew many of the same people... the age thing, though kept us from really hanging out until I went to college and Adam's cousin/my bff introduced us. We dated for 4 years, all through my college days, became engaged and married on January 3, 2009. We had the most beautiful winter wedding and best of all (well, next to gaining a new hubs) I gained a mother and father in-law, brother and sister and law and THE cutest 2 nephews you have ever seen!

My father in law is the sweetest man. He's seriously one of the kindest people I have ever met. He is the County Judge in our home town and works extremely hard at a job that is very stressful. My mother-in-law is equally as sweet and has always made me feel like a part of their family. She loves all things technology and serves as Technology Director for the school district.
I also gained a sweet sister-in-law and with her came my brother-in-law and most importantly... the nephews.  Kellie and Joel gave up their comfortable life in America to serve as Missionaries in a foreign country.{ For safety purposes, I won't tell exactly where: ) } I am so encouraged by their career choice and how they have sought and followed after God. It's a daily reminder that while I don't feel like Adam and I have been called to serve foreign people groups, we are ALL called to serve as missionaries right where we are.

Joel loves LSU (major bummer, right?) and Kellie is into digital scrap booking and is extremely creative. If Kellie had a blog she would have hundreds of followers... not only is her life very interesting but she is hilarious! If Kellie and Joel weren't great enough- they spawned 2 of THE most adorable children you have ever seen. Jack is 6 and Max is 3. Living in another country means we don't get to see them a ton- but thanks to modern technology like Skype, we get to communicate with them often.

We are planning a trip at the end of 2011 to visit Adam's sister and her family! We can't wait to hug their necks again... it will have been an entire year since we have seen them.

I am so blessed to not have one awesome family... but 2! I love also that our parents know each other and that we get to see all of them when we head "home."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Show Us Your Life: Show Us Your Family!

Kelly at Kelly's Korner is hosting "Show us Your Life" and this week's theme is "Show Us Your Family." I'm excited to talk about my family today... the Richardson family that is- otherwise known as the FUN Family!

I grew up with my mom and dad, and younger brother, Lee.  My parents are wonderful... the best really. The first thing I think of when I think of both of them is how sacrificial they both are. Growing up they sacrificed SO much for my brother and I to live a more than comfortable life. I can remember my mom getting up at 5 in the morning so she could be at work as early as possible so that she could be home with us in the evenings.  My parents never took vacations just the two of them... they always preferred to travel with us and would save every dime to be able to take us on the coolest vacations as a family. Like I said... sacrificial!

Mom works as an Account Rep for FedEx. She is GREAT at her job and loves her company. In addition to being extremely sacrificial, my mom loves people. She becomes burdened when others are hurting and does whatever she can to help. I think people purposly dropped animals at our house growing up because they knew my mom would take care of them! My mom is extremely funny. For someone so professional, she really knows how to have a good time. My mom loves the Lord and I am inspired for her hunger for His will and His word.

My dad is the leader of our house. He has worked for the same company for over 30 years! He is in Sales Management for a Valve Company in Little Rock. He is THE hardest working person I have ever met. He takes his job very seriously but has always worked hard around our house and in the community also.  He can fix/make anything. My dad is so funny! (don't tell him I said that, though.) It cracks me up that he seems so straight- laced to most people, but he is really a nut!  I have decided that I am for SURE just like my dad.... one thing he has always been big about is saving money. Growing up my dad was borderline "cheap." I am cheap (thanks, dad.) Both of us also share an affinity for returning things to the store. Nothing makes me sicker than getting something then realizing I dont need/won't use it. I leave tags on things f.o.r.e.v.e.r. until  I know I for sure want to keep it. At Christmas, dad makes a "return pile" at our house and the majority of the pile is all of HIS Christmas gifts that he will return to the store because he can't stand to be wasteful and keep something he knows he won't use. Dad and I are both on the Walmart "hit list" of "too many returns." Silly Walmart.... then we just start making our spouses and friends return things for us! 

My cute little brother Lee is currently a Freshman in college at Itawamba Community College in Fulton Mississippi. He is on scholarship there playing baseball. Lee is an incredible athlete. He makes me look pathetic.  No matter what sport... he dominates it! More important that athletics- Lee is an incredible person and an amazing Christian. For his senior trip in High School he chose to go to Africa on a mission trip and opted out of the traditional beach trip! He has a beautiful heart and loves the Lord. Lee dates a sweet little girl named Stephanie that I am particularly fond of. I am SO SO proud of my brother. I cannot wait to see what God is going to do in his life! 

This picture is from our vacation last March when my parent's took us to the Grand Canyon. It is the BEST vacation I have ever been on! We had a blast together even though we do our fair share of mouthing to each other. Dad has referred to us as "The Fun Family" for as long as I can remember. We mostly refer to ourselves as that while we are at each other's throats on family vacation, ha!

I am so thankful for 2 Godly parents that raised me in a Christian home. I was most definately was possibly a difficult child to raise. I know my parents had to have prayed a lot to get through my teenage years. I'm glad they didn't give up on me and that we are as close as we are today. I love my family so very much. I am proud of the family that I came from.