I don't do New Years Resolutions. Rather, I like making goals for the next year. I do believe in goal setting because without goals, we tend to just float through life. I also didn't do a good job in January on my goals- so I'm starting fresh today- February 1. That's the great thing about goals... if you get off track... just start again! I feel like resolutions- once broken are forgotten forever.
So- to hold myself accountable... here are some goals I've set for myself for 2012.
So far so good! Another goal I have is to cook more (at least 3 days/week) and to really be intentional about planning meals and sticking to a list at the grocery store. I HAVE been doing good with this so far this year. I found a great grocery list
HERE that I LOVE and it's been really helpful in organizing myself before I go to the store. (It also has an adorable Chevron print that makes shopping fun, ha!)This compared with shopping at our new Neighborhood Market that opened up down the street means that I can get grocery shopping done in 30 minutes or less!
I have never considered myself to be a good cook- but I am committing to give it a good try. I really WANT to cook. It's healthier, cheaper, and makes me feel good when it turns out right. Like most things, cooking means planning meals weekly and keeping it easy, yet interesting. I get frustrated with most cookbooks. Many of them call for weird ingredients or have too many steps. I have found a couple of blogs that I really enjoy. My favorite foodie blog is written by
Amy James. Amy cooks delicious healthy meals that are also practical for everyday (hence the name!) She's also a Fayetteville native and happens to be Adam's boss' wife. :)
Here are a couple of things from Amy's blog that I have cooked in the last week. They both turned out DELICIOUS and were SO EASY!
BBQ Chicken Pizza
Penne with White Beans and Spinach
Also not listed in the collage is my desire to blog. I know I already do this, but I'm not as consistent as I would like to be. I'm not saying that I'm going to blog every day or even every week, but I would like to do a better job of documenting our life.
Here's to 2012 New Year's Resolutions Goals that are officially beginning on February 1st!