How is it possible that my baby is ONE month old? I'm sure that is a phrase that I'll be repeating a lot over the next months/years, but the last month has truly flown by.
One month old
What you are up to:
- You are still wearing newborn diapers and clothes, but it won't be long before you move up in both!
- You weighed 7 lbs 14 ounces 2 weeks ago at the doctor, so if I had to guess you are close to 8 lbs now
- You will probably never learn to sit up or walk because you want to be held ALL the time. I'm ok with that right now and your grandparents don't mind holding you either! :)
- You do NOT like your swing, and scream when we put you in it. You do like the play mat and bouncy seat.. so long as someone is talking to you while you sit/lay there.
- You are nursing every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night. You also take a bottle like a champ! You wake up every 3 hours on the dot to eat and have pretty much done this since you were born.
- You are still sleeping in our room in your bassinet. You can't fall asleep without your sound machine and sleep sack.
- You wake up between 6 and 6:30 every morning. Daddy gives you a bottle and puts you back to bed before he goes to work. We sleep until about 8:30 or 9 and then get up. You eat again at 10, then we get ready for the day. We have been going for a walk every morning in your stroller before daddy comes home for lunch. In the afternoon we usually nap together or run errands. Daddy comes home and he and mommy eat dinner, then he feeds you, holds you, and gets you ready for bed. Mommy stays up late with you and gets up in the night to feed you. Daddy has been sleeping in the other room since he is such a light sleeper. :)
- You had your first Halloween this month
- You had your first bath
- You are SO loved!