Thursday, September 18, 2014

Oh, Hey September!

Well I blinked and its the middle of September.  How did that happen? There's been a whirlwind of events over the past several weeks/months and life just got in the way of this little blog!  I do miss documenting our life and hope to make some more time for it now that things seem to be slowing a bit.  We were home for TWO weekends this summer.  TWO.  We may have been in town a couple of more, but had guests staying overnight.  It was a busy summer, and a fun one, but I am glad to see fall arrive and my car parked in the garage a little more.

Probably our biggest life event of all?
Baby Fite #2 Coming Feb, 2015!
I'm 18 weeks as of today. Craziness!


It's a GIRL!  We couldn't be more excited to be parents to TWO girls.  Caroline will be a great big sister and I can't wait to see my girls (!!) be best friends!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Saying Goodbye

These two. I caught them in my closet sneaking swigs of mouthwash not too long ago.
We've been in morning for a month since my SIL and her family have left to go back overseas. The 6 months they were "home" seemed to fly by, yet we had the BEST time. These two became especially close and C asks for her almost every day. Thank goodness for Skype!

Before they left, we sent Caroline back with my sister in law to Benton and we kept the boys for a couple of days. We had the BeST time! We have an awesome new aquatics center in Rogers. We were basically the only ones there one day.
We made a fro-yo stop after where they managed to make the most disgusting sundaes ever that included cereal and jello.
The car ride to Benton with Gus.
We planned a big bday party at Joodge and Baba's to celebrate everyone's bday. It was complete with a piñata and games and pies in the face.
We also walked in a race for our sweet friend Briley to raise money and awareness for Spinal Muscualar Atrophy. 

Were so sad the Turners are gone. The kids were so anxious to get "home" and I'm so thankful their hearts don't ache like ours. I am so encouraged and inspired by my SIL and BIL. They have been called to something that most of us would never consider, yet they've given everything to minister to others. We're hoping not as much time will pass between our next visit! 


I((I may or may not have had to look up the spelling of this word! Ha!))

My sweet girl is going to be 20 months old soon. I've stopped doing monthly updates, but I feel like she has changed so much lately! The biggest change... She wants to do everything herself... Including:
- she doesn't want help eating. She makes the most awful mess eating yogurt I almost can't stand it. She has more on her face than in her belly. But she will FREAK out on you if you try and help
- she is starting to protest what she wears. She wore rain boots every day this week. 

- she's obsessed with shoes in general. She wakes up in the morning asking for shoes and sleeps in them a lot of nights
- she also prefers to be naked. Like... Usually wakes up from nap time totally in the nude. Diaper included. Sometimes that is very bad depending on the contents. Sometimes I have to change the sheet. You get the picture...
- she loves to sing and dance. Her favorites are "Let it Go" and "the wheels on the Bus." She dances on cue and it's hilarious
- she's very loveable. She gives
Hugs and kisses pretty freely and loves to  get attention while at restarants and stores
- she can count two
- if you ask her how old she is, she will say "one!" And hold up one finger on each hand
- she talks really well. If I had to guess I bet she knows over a hundred words. She said her first "real" sentence a couple of weeks ago... She asked, "Poppa, where are you?" She knows a lot of animals and their sounds. 
-she's really into Gus. He's the third thing she asks for each morning... After her daddy and shoes. :) she calls him and pats her legs while saying "c'mere" 
- she also has a little bit of sass. She knows how to push our buttons and knows when she is misbehaving. She is so sneaky... I turn my back for a second and she's standing in the kitchen chair it has Opened the back door and is in the back yard! 
I would describe this age as more challenging than the others, but even more fun too. I find myself praying for grace and patience more as well as an extra dose of energy! She really is SO fun and I'm amazed and how much she is growing and learning. I also can't understand how my love for her grows each day. It's amazing!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Welcome Summer!

Its finally summer! After what seemed like an eternal winter, we are happy to be spending time outside. We love our backyard... It's one of the things that sold me on our house.
It's not huge, but big enough. I love the Rose bushes, stamped concrete patio, and the fireplace. It even has a pool complete with a cute baby!

On Saturday we did some car shopping (bleh.) while friends watched C. We then had 3 couples over for a cookout and water fun. I love that these kiddos will grow up together. They are not that close in age, but play really well together. 
The girls roasting mallows.
We met some other friends after church for lunch. Miss priss was wanting to have her picture made... Spaghetti face and all!

As much fun we had this weekend, we have a few friends that are really struggling right now. Whether it's tragedy in their family, struggling marriages, infertility, or illness... It makes getting through the day tough I'm sure. I read this verse
Over the weekend and I've been praying it over these sweet friends. He really is close to the brokenhearted. How comforting!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Mothers Day

What a great weekend!

Uncle Lee came up Friday to see us since he finished finals last week. We were so happy to see him!

 Saturday morning we went to a birthday party for Caroline's best friend, Carson. 
While we were at the party... My sweet husband was building THIS...

 We had a blast with my cousin Tiffany and her kids that stayed with us Saturday night. 
And we had a wonderful service at church Sunday. My girl was so worn out from the night before she actually slept on me the whole service! I never get to hold her like that and it was the best Mother's Day gift!
Caroline and her dad made me a super cute card and coffee mug and a delicious breakfast. 
Sunday afternoon... I was sitting at our patio table watching Adam and Lee do yard work (ha!) when the wind picked up our umbrella and it came down on the table and shattered it on top of me. I wasn't hurt since the glass was tempered, but totally bummed that our table is ruined. We've only had that set for a year or so and it wasn't cheap!! 

This was the perfect weekend and it was filled with things I love most... Hosting family, playing with friends, yard work and projects, and loving on my girl. I'm so thankful for the one that calls me mom (24,456 times a day) as well as the woman I call mom. She's the most selfless person I've ever met and is a wonderful example of a great mom. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

18 months

I have a one and a half year old! 
-Caroline is wearing 12-18 month clothes. 
-I think she weighs around 25 pounds. (Total guess.)
-she repeats almost anything we say.
-she knows her whole family (grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunt) and calls them by name
- she is a great eater. She still doesn't drink milk, but loves yogurt, cheese, blueberries, mango, peas, corn, sweet potatoes, and peanut butter. She does not like avocado
- she loves Gus and is currently obsessed with walking him around the house on his leash
(Notice C in the background... She was so mad Gus was just laying down!)

-she loves being outside and riding in her wagon
- she says "amen" after praying
- her favorite book is "chicka chicka boom boom" and we read it at least twice a day
-she says please, thank you, sorry, I love you, and of course..." No."
- I love dressing her up like a little doll. She loves clothes and shoes but has started fighting the bows
-she finally has stopped crying when we drop her off in the church nursery
- little miss is really starting to have an opinion on things and is becoming more independent. She loves to run away from us. If we play outside in the front yard, she immediately starts running down the sidewalk. She also likes to feed herself. She dropped down to one nap about 2 months ago and sleeps from 12:30-4
Most days.
-my favorite thing... How you say "momma?" It's so sweet and southern and always in question form. I always answer "yes, baby?" 

You are the love of our lives! You are so much fun even on the "hard days." I love your independent spirit and my prayer is that God uses that to do His work. You love your grandparents and cousins and want nothing to do with us when they are around. You bring us such joy and I've been taught so much about Christ's love through being your mom. 


Easter 2014

As I lay here in bed getting ready for a new work week, I can only think about what a blessed weekend we had. We traveled "home" Thursday night since Adam had the day off Friday. I worked from home and he played golf with his dad. We took family pictures Friday afternoon. It will be an Easter miracle if we got a decent picture of the whole gang! With 4 kids, ( 2 under the age of 2) our photographer had her work cut out for her! 

Friday night we had dinner with 2 of my best friends at none other than Larry's pizza. It's the original and I can still taste the chocolate chip pizza. We ate until our bellies hurt and then headed to Brittany's and played cards. We were taking advantage of free unlimited babysitting! 
On Saturday, we slept in (it was glorious) and then met up with my dad to head to arkadelphia to watch my brother's baseball game. We took C and she had a blast running around. The weather was perfect! It's so neat watching my brother play college ball. I'm so proud of him!
We then headed back to mom and dad's for our first Easter celebration. We had a great fear, hunted eggs, dyed eggs, and had so much fun. 
C loves her uncle Lee!

Sunday morning we headed to church. Were so blessed to get to attend church with both of our families since they attend the same church! 
After church we had Easter party #2 with Adams family. We had a great day and I loved watching Caroline play with her cousins. 
I teared up this morning at church when we sang of what our Savior did on the cross. This day is what being a Christian is all about. I'm so thankful for his blood that covers my past, present, and future sin. I'm thankful that He defeated the grave!